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Rules on Administration of Representative Offices of Foreign Insurance Institutions

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1
These rules are formulated in accordance with the Insurance Law of the People’s Republic of China, and for the purpose of strengthening the administration of representative offices of foreign insurance institutions (hereinafter referred to as “representative offices”), and meeting the needs of the opening up of China’s insurance market to the outside world.

Article 2
Foreign insurance institutions hereof referred to in these rules are those insurance companies, reinsurance companies, insurance intermediaries, insurance associations, and other insurance organizations incorporated outside the territory of the People’s Republic of China.
Representative offices hereof referred to in these rules are both representative offices and general representative offices established by foreign insurance institutions within Chinese territory for the purpose of conducting such non-operational activities as liaison service and market research etc.
Chief Representative hereof referred to in these rules is the principal responsible person of the representative office, and the general representative is the principal responsible person of the general representative office.

Article 3
Representative offices shall abide by Chinese laws and regulations and related regulations made by China Insurance Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as “CIRC”) and their legitimate rights and interests are protected by Chinese laws.

Article 4
CIRC is authorized by law and the State Council to perform regulatory responsibilities over the representative offices.
Under the authorization scope of CIRC, the local branch offices of CIRC take general regulation of those representative offices that are located in their jurisdictions on behalf of CIRC.

Chapter Ⅱ Application and Establishment

Article 5
Foreign insurance institutions (hereinafter referred to as “the applicant”) applying to establish a representative office shall satisfy the following requirements:
(1) Good business performance;
(2) No record of any major violation of laws and regulations within three years prior to the application date;
(3) Other prudential requirements stipulated by CIRC.

Article 6
The formal application form for the establishment of representative office is provided by CIRC.

Article 7
The applicant shall submit the following documents:
(1) The formal application form;
(2) A letter of application addressed to the Chairman of CIRC and signed by its Chairman of the Board of Directors or General Manager of the concerned insurance institution;
(3) A photocopy of the business license or the certificate of authorization for insurance business, or the registry certificate issued by the relevant regulatory authorities of its home country or territory;
(4) Articles of association and the name list of the members of the Board of Directors, management personnel or principal partners;
(5) Annual reports of the last three years prior to the application;
(6) A letter of permit issued by the competent authority of its home country or territory allowing it to set up a representative office in China, or a letter of recommendation from the industrial association of which the applicant is a member, and both types of letters shall contain information about the penalty records of the applicant received within three years prior to the application;
(7) A power of attorney signed by the Chairman of the Board or General Manager for the chief representative designated;
(8) The resume of the designated chief representative and other relevant supporting documents;
(9) Other documents and materials required by CIRC.
The photocopy of the business license or the certificate of authorization for insurance business, or the registry certificate shall be subject to notarization certified by the applicant’s home country or territory or verification by the resident Embassy or Consulate of the People’s Republic of China in the applicant’s home country or territory.

Article 8
The applicant shall submit its application documents to CIRC. CIRC shall handle all the applications according to the following conditions:
(1) If the document has a mistake (mistakes) that can be corrected on the spot, the applicant shall be allowed to make the correction on the spot;
(2) If the document is incomplete or does not comply with regulatory formats, the applicant shall be informed on the spot or within five days of all the required corrections at one time. If the applicant is not informed of such information in this period, then it is assumed that the application is accepted for review on the day it is received by CIRC;
(3) If the document is complete and complies with regulatory formats, or after the applicant, upon request, has submitted additional documents and made necessary corrections, then the application shall be accepted for review.
Whether or not CIRC accepts the application for review, CIRC shall issue a written document with designated stamp and date indicated.

Article 9
Within 20 days from the date of receiving the application letter, CIRC shall make a decision on whether or not to approve. If the decision can not be made in the said 20 days, at the approval of the Chairman of CIRC, the said period can be extended 10 more days and the applicant shall be informed of reasons for the extension.
If CIRC decides to accept the application, it shall issue an approval document; in case of disapproval, CIRC shall state reasons in a written document.

Article 10
After a representative office receiving the official document of approval, it shall register with the State Administration of Industry and Commerce in line with relevant rules.
The representative office shall move into its official premises within three months from the date on which the approval document is issued; the approval document shall automatically become invalid if the said deadline is not observed.

Article 11
Any foreign insurance institution that has already established no less than two representative offices in China shall be allowed to apply to CIRC to appoint one of its representative offices as a general representative office.

Article 12
In applying to appoint the general representative office, foreign insurance institutions shall submit a letter of application addressed to the Chairman of CIRC and signed by its Chairman of the Board of Directors or General Manager of the concerned insurance institution.
The application for setting up a general representative office is subject to the same rules governing the application of a representative office.

Chapter Ⅲ Supervision and Administration

Article 13
The official title of the representative office shall be arranged in the following order: name of the foreign insurance institution + name of the city where the representative office is to be located + representative office; The official title of the representative office shall be arranged in the following order: name of the foreign insurance institution + general representative office in China.

Article 14
Except the principal responsible person, other major staff members shall be entitled “Representative” or “Deputy Representative”.

Article 15
Employees of representative office shall abide by Chinese laws and regulations, with high integrity and clean record.

Article 16
A general representative shall have a work experience above 8 years and hold a junior college degree or a higher academic degree; a chief representative shall have a work experience above 5 years, and hold a junior college degree or a higher academic degree.
Without a junior college degree, the general representative or chief representative shall have a work experience above 10 years in the insurance business.

Article 17
A maximum of three employees of foreign nationality are allowed in each representative office.

Article 18
A representative office and its employees shall not enter into any agreement or contract with any legal or natural persons, which might generate an income to the representative office or the foreign insurance institution it represents, and shall not be involved in business activities of any kind.

Article 19
A representative office shall have official premises, necessary office facilities and full-time staff.

Article 20
The General Representative or Chief Representative shall not work in two or more representative offices or any business institution in China.

Article 21
The General Representative or Chief Representative shall attend to the daily activities of the representative office on a permanent basis. If he or she consecutively stays away from the representative office for a period or more than one month, he or she shall delegate his or her responsibility as the General Representative or Chief Representative to a person specially appointed, and submit a written report to the local branch office of CIRC.

Article 22
A representative office shall submit two copies of its annual work report of the previous year before the end of each February to the CIRC’s local branch office, who shall then forward the report to CIRC’s head office.
The work report shall follow the format prescribed by CIRC.

Article 23
A representative office shall submit the annual report of the foreign insurance institution it represents to both CIRC and CIRC’s local branch office within six months after the end of each accounting year of the foreign insurance institution.

Article 24
If any following major event occurs in an insurance institution that has maintained a representative office in China, the representative office shall, within 10 days after the occurrence of the event, submit a written report to CIRC and copy the report to CIRC’s local branch office.
(1) A change in its articles of association, register capital, and registered business address;
(2) Division or merger or change of top management;
(3) Serious losses resulted in business operation;
(4) Penalties imposed for violations of laws and regulations;
(5) Major regulatory actions taken against it by the regulatory authorities of its home country or territory;
(6) Other matters which may seriously disrupt business operation of the foreign insurance institution.

Article 25
In case of changing a General Representative or Chief Representative, the representative office shall apply to CIRC, and submit the following documents:
(1) A letter of application addressed to the Chairman of CIRC, and signed by its Chairman of the Board of Directors or General Manager of the concerned insurance institution;
(2) Power of attorney of the proposed General Representative or chief representative signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or General Manager;
(3) Proof of personal identity certificates, certificate of academic degree and resume of the proposed General Representative or Chief Representative.

Article 26
If a foreign insurance institution intends to terminate its representative office’s operation, it shall submit a letter of application addressed to the Chairman of CIRC, and signed by its Chairman of the Board of Directors or General Manager of the concerned insurance institution.

Article 27
If a foreign insurance institution intends to change the name of its representative office, it shall submit a letter of application addressed to the Chairman of CIRC, and signed by its Chairman of the Board of Directors or General Manager of the concerned insurance institution, together with other relevant proving documents about the renaming.

Article 28
Under the situation stipulated in Article 25, Article 26, and Article 27, CIRC shall make a decision on whether to approve or disapprove of the application within 20 days from the date of receiving a complete set of application documents.
If a decision of approval is made, it shall issue an approval document; if a decision of disapproval is made, it shall notify the applicant in writing and give the reasons.

Article 29
A representative office can change its office location within the same administrative area it resides only.
The concerned representative office shall submit CIRC’s local branch office of its new office address, telephone and fax numbers within 5 days from the date of changing.

Article 30
In case of changing, increasing or reducing the number of Representatives, Deputy Representatives, or foreign employees, the concerned representative office shall report to CIRC’s local branch office within 5 days from the date of changing, and submit the proof of personal identity certificates, certificate of academic degree and resume of the nominated personnel.

Article 31
When a representative office is approved to be changed to a general representative office, the original representative office is cancelled automatically. The general representative office shall apply to the State Administration of the Industry and Commerce for cancellation of the registration of the representative office within one month from the date of CIRC’s approval within one month from the date of CIRC’s approval.

Article 32
If a general representative office is the only representative office in China after the insurance institution it represents withdraws all other representative offices, the general representative office shall be changed into a representative office.
The general representative office shall apply to CIRC by submitting an application letter regarding such change signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or General Manager of the concerned foreign insurance institution. Within 20 days from the date of receiving the application letter, CIRC shall make a decision on whether or not to approve. If CIRC decides to accept the application, it shall issue an approval document; in case of disapproval, CIRC shall state reasons in a written document.
When a general representative office is approved to be changed to a representative office, the original general representative office is cancelled automatically. The representative office shall apply to the State Administration of the Industry and Commerce for cancellation of its registration within one month from the date of CIRC’s approval.

Article 33
After a representative office of the foreign insurance institution is terminated by the CIRC, all the issues left unsettled shall be taken over and handled by its general representative office in China; if there is no such a general representative office, responsibilities on all issues left unsettled shall be taken over and handled by the foreign insurance institution’s other representative offices in China; if there is no any other representative office in China, responsibilities on all issues left unsettled shall be borne by the foreign insurance institution itself.

Article 34
CIRC and its local branch offices conduct general supervision and annual inspection over the representative offices of foreign institutions in regard to the following issues:
(1) The completeness of the procedures for the changes made by the representative office;
(2) The truthfulness of the documents and materials submitted to CIRC;
(3) The completeness of the procedures for the appointments or changes of staff members of representative offices;
(4) Whether or not representative offices are conducting business activities;
(5) Other items required by CIRC and its local branch offices.

Chapter Ⅳ Legal Liability

Article 35
Any representative office established without approval, in violation of certain provisions of these Rules, shall be banned by CIRC in accordance with law.

Article 36
If a representative office is engaged in financial business activities in violation of these Rules, it shall be punished by CIRC in line with relevant laws and regulations. If a representative office is engaged in profit-seeking operational activities other than insurance business, it shall be imposed a disciplinary warning or a fine below RMB 300,000 yuan.

Article 37
If a representative office fails to submit relevant reports or documents as stipulated in Article 22, 23, 24 of these Rules to CIRC, it shall be imposed a warning and ordered to make correction by CIRC’s local branch office.

Article 38
Employees of a representative office being with direct responsibility for activities violating these Rules shall be imposed by CIRC with a disciplinary warning and /or a fine below RMB 5000 yuan, according to the seriousness of the cases.

Article 39
CIRC may issue a disciplinary warning to a representative office involved in providing false information or concealing important facts.

Article 40
CIRC may order the representative offices, found in violation of other provisions stipulated in these Rules, to make corrections; those who do not make corrections within a prescribed time period shall be issued a disciplinary warning.

Chapter Ⅴ Supplementary Provisions

Article 41
These Rules shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to the representative offices established in the mainland by insurance institutions from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region, and Taiwan region.

Article 42
These Rules shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to the resident offices of foreign insurance institutions approved to establish in China by CIRC.

Article 43
The terms “above”, “below” and “within” used to indicate a threshold number shall include the number itself.

Article 44
The approval and reporting periods prescribed in these Rules concerning licensing and reporting periods refer to working days, which exclude weekends and public holidays.

Article 45
CIRC shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Rules.

Article 46
These Rules shall be effective as of March 1, 2004, and the Rules on Administration of Representative Offices of Foreign Insurance Institutions, issued by CIRC on November 26, 1999 shall be repealed simultaneously.






福 建 省 招 标 投 标 条 例

第一章 总  则

  第一条 为了规范招标投标活动,保护国家利益、社会公共利益和招标投标活动当事人的合法权益,提高经济效益,保证项目质量,促进廉政建设,根据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》等有关法律、法规,结合本省实际,制定本条例。

  第二条 在本省行政区域内进行招标投标活动,适用本条例。

  第三条 招标投标活动应当遵循公开、公平、公正和诚实信用的原则。

  第四条 依法必须进行招标的项目,其招标投标活动不受地区或者部门的限制。


  第五条 招标投标活动及其当事人应当接受依法实施的监督。

第二章 招标范围、方式和组织形式

  第六条 《中华人民共和国招标投标法》第三条规定范围内的工程建设项目,包括项目的勘察、设计、施工、监理以及与工程建设有关的重要设备、材料等的采购,必须进行招标。

  第七条 政府及其有关部门选择下列项目的投资人、经营人或者承办人,达到规定规模和标准的,应当通过招标的方式确定:









  第八条 医疗设备、医疗器械和药品采购项目,使用财政性资金的货物和服务采购项目,达到规定规模和标准的,以及省人民政府决定招标的其他项目,必须进行招标。


  第九条 省人民政府发展改革部门会同有关行政主管部门,依法制定本条例规定必须进行招标项目的具体范围和规模标准,报省人民政府批准后公布施行。


  第十条 依法必须进行招标的项目全部使用国有资金投资的、国有资金投资占控股或者主导地位的,以及本条例第七条和第八条所列项目,应当公开招标,但有下列情形之一的,经项目审批部门批准,可以邀请招标:











  第十一条 依法必须进行招标的项目,招标人符合下列条件的,可以自行办理招标事宜:





  第十二条 招标人具备自行招标条件的,任何单位和个人不得强制招标人委托招标代理机构办理招标事宜。


  第十三条 招标代理机构应当在资格认定部门依法认定的资格等级范围内承担招标事宜,并遵守本条例关于招标人的规定。


  第十四条 招标代理机构不得与行政机关和其他国家机关存在隶属关系或者其他利益关系。


第三章 评标专家库和评标专家

  第十五条 省人民政府依法建立跨行业、跨地区的综合性的省评标专家库,按照行业和区域分类设置分库,并在省级各有关行政监督部门和各市、县(区)设立抽取评标专家的网络终端,具体组建方案和管理办法由省人民政府发展改革部门会同有关部门制定,报省人民政府批准后实施。


  第十六条 建立评标专家库应当具备下列条件:






  第十七条 评标专家库的专家,应当具备下列条件:






  第十八条 评标专家在评标活动中,依法对投标文件独立进行评审,不受任何单位或者个人的干预;评标专家参加评标活动可以依法取得劳务报酬。

  第十九条 评标专家应当依法履行下列义务:







  第二十条 评标专家库管理单位应当建立评标专家工作档案,对评标专家定期进行培训,并对其参与评标的情况予以记载;对因身体条件、业务能力不能胜任评标工作的评标专家终止其评标专家资格,对不履行本条例规定义务的评标专家取消其评标专家资格。

第四章 招标投标程序

第一节 招  标

  第二十一条 招标项目按照国家有关规定需要履行项目审批、核准或者备案手续的,应当先履行项目审批、核准或者备案手续。



  第二十二条 推行使用招标公告、资格预审文件和招标文件示范文本。对国家或者省级有关行政监督部门已经编制示范文本的,依法必须进行招标的政府投资项目的招标人应当使用。

  第二十三条 招标人采用公开招标的,应当发布招标公告;采用邀请招标的,应当向三个以上具备承担招标项目的能力、资信良好的特定的法人或者其他组织发出投标邀请书。




  第二十四条 招标人发布招标公告或者发出投标邀请书,应当载明下列事项:







  第二十五条 招标人应当根据招标项目的特点编制招标文件,一般应当载明以下主要内容:












  第二十六条 招标人可以要求投标人在提交符合招标文件规定要求的投标文件外,提交备选投标方案,但应当在招标文件中作出说明,并提出相应的评审和比较办法。

  第二十七条 政府投资项目、使用财政性资金的货物和服务采购项目,招标人在招标文件中确定的标准、规模、内容等应当控制在项目审批部门核定的范围内。


  第二十八条 招标人在招标文件中规定的实质性要求和条件,应当用醒目的方式标明,不得以特定的生产供应者及其提供的产品或者服务为依据;如果必须引用某一生产供应者的技术标准才能准确或者清楚地说明拟招标项目的技术标准时,应当标明“或相当于”的字样。


  第二十九条 招标文件应当规定项目合理的投标有效期。投标有效期从投标人提交投标文件截止之日起计算。



  第三十条 依法必须进行招标的政府投资项目,招标人应当在招标文件发出的同时,将招标文件按照项目管理权限报县级以上地方人民政府有关行政监督部门备案。有关行政监督部门发现招标文件有违反法律、法规内容的,应当及时以书面形式责令招标人改正。

  第三十一条 依法必须进行招标的项目,招标文件或者资格审查文件出售时间不得少于五日,出售价格依据物价部门核定的印刷成本确定。

  第三十二条 招标项目设有标底的,标底必须保密;在开标前,任何单位和个人不得以任何形式审查标底。


第二节 投  标

  第三十三条 投标人应当具备承担招标项目的能力和资格条件,并享有下列权利:






  第三十四条 以联合体形式投标的,联合体各方应当签订共同投标协议,连同投标文件一并提交招标人。


  第三十五条 投标文件有下列情形之一的,招标人不予受理:



  第三十六条 投标人之间不得相互串通投标。下列行为均属投标人之间串通投标:




  第三十七条 招标人与投标人之间不得串通投标。下列行为均属招标人与投标人串通投标:





  第三十八条 投标人不得以他人名义投标或者违反规定允许他人以自己名义投标。


第三节 开标和评标

  第三十九条 开标必须在招标文件中预先确定的地点,由招标人或者其委托的招标代理机构主持。开标时间为招标文件确定的提交投标文件截止时间的同一时间。开标应当公开进行,并予以记录。


  第四十条 评标由招标人依法组建的评标委员会负责。



  第四十一条 在评标委员会的评标专家到达开标现场前,招标人不得将评标项目及相关内容泄露给评标专家。


  第四十二条 评标委员会成员有下列情形之一的,应当向招标人申请回避;未申请回避的,招标人或者行政监督部门发现后,应当立即停止其参与评标活动:




  第四十三条 工程勘察、设计、监理等服务项目,政府特许经营项目以及技术、性能有特殊要求的货物采购、工程施工项目,应当采用综合评估法评标。中标人的投标应当能够最大限度地满足招标文件中规定的各项综合评价标准。



  第四十四条 评标委员会评标工作规则:








  第四十五条 评标委员会初审时发现投标文件有下列情形之一的,应当按照废标处理:

















  第四十六条 评标委员会完成评标后,应当向招标人提交记载以下内容的书面评标报告:












  第四十七条 依法必须进行招标的项目有下列情形之一的,招标人应当依法重新招标:







第四节 定  标

  第四十八条 招标人应当在收到评标报告后十五日内,根据评标委员会提出的书面评标报告和推荐的中标候选人,确定中标人,并向中标人发出中标通知书。



  第四十九条 依法必须进行招标的项目,招标人应当自确定中标人之日起三日内,将下列有关中标结果的事项在省人民政府指定的信息网络上公示,公示期不得少于十日:







  第五十条 依法必须进行招标的项目,招标人应当自确定中标人之日起十五日内向有关行政监督部门提交招标投标情况的书面报告。








  第五十一条 国有自然资源经营性开发项目、政府特许经营项目和有限公共资源配置项目的招标人,应当自订立合同之日起七日内将合同报同级人民政府或者其授权部门备案;依法必须进行招标的工程建设、使用财政性资金的货物和服务采购等其他项目的招标人,应当自订立合同之日起七日内将合同送项目所在地县级以上有关行政监督部门备案。


  第五十二条 设有投标保证金的,招标人应当在发出中标通知书后的五日内,将投标保证金退还中标候选人以外的投标人,并在与中标人签订合同后的五日内,将投标保证金退还中标人以及其他中标候选人。招标人逾期退还投标保证金的,除应当退还投标保证金本金外,还应当按照商业银行同期贷款利率上浮百分之二十支付资金占用费。



  第五十三条 中标人应当履行下列义务





  第五十四条 招标人不得以下列要求作为发出中标通知书或者签订合同的条件:





第五章 监督与投诉

  第五十五条 省人民政府发展改革部门负责指导和协调全省招标投标工作。



  第五十六条 项目审批部门对规避招标和不按照核准事项进行招标的违法行为实施监督,并受理相关投诉。


  第五十七条 项目审批部门应当自核准招标范围、方式以及组织形式之日起三日内将核准结果抄送有关行政监督部门。



  第五十八条 投标人和其他利害关系人认为招标投标活动违反法律、法规规定的,可以向招标人提出异议,也可以向有关行政监督部门投诉。


  第五十九条 投诉应当自中标结果公示之日起十日内以书面形式提出。投诉人是法人的,投诉书应当由单位盖章,并经法定代表人或者其授权代表签字;投诉人是其他单位或者个人的,投诉书应当由主要负责人或者投诉人本人签字,并附有效身份证件复印件。


  第六十条 有关行政监督部门应当向社会公开其受理投诉的渠道、范围和条件等有关事项。


  第六十一条 有关行政监督部门应当自受理投诉之日起三十日内,根据下列情况分别作出处理:




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